Saturday, March 7, 2009

Important Sport

There is no health without the real .. The change in the behavior of living today because of the rapid development and progress and technical in all areas of daily life and our dependence on the total number of control devices, elevators and escalators and the use of modern means of transportation such as automobiles, etc., in addition to that occupied by most of the work of many people required to sit for long, given the use of equipment PC significantly .. All of this led to a wrong behavior in matters of daily life from a lack of movement and activity (and not only to the person himself, but even to his children and his family, which is the basic unit in the composition of the community) and this in turn cause mental health problems and many of the individual and the family and society. Authorization .. Is there a need for the performance of sports for health?? Sport is a very important part in the life of the individual sound and the patient to keep both on the normal and the second to help it start to recover. A regular program of sports will have a significant impact in delaying disturbances and physical diseases and diseases of the heart, arteries and blood vessels .. As well as the deviation of the body and therefore distort the joints is a way of sports programs are required to prevent the very medical .. It is one of the most effective programs. There is no doubt the absence of disease, as well as dental care and adequate nutrition is one of the all the necessary requirements prior to physical fitness and health.

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